Our Current Mission:

Get Famous.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Game Dies In Shooting

The Game Dies in Shooting. This is the initial reports so far.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My New Theory

I now believe that some time ago humans inhabited the planet of Venus. These humans used up most of their resources much like we are today and a select group of these humans decided enough was enough. Because their technology was far more advanced than ours today they were able to send a select group to earth in order to create a new world. A world that would be free of pollution and waste. A world in which they could live and breathe. There is evidence that Venus was once a warm planet. The atmosphere of Venus is now covered with carbon dioxide the same pollution that spills from factories today. Why do you think we are looking towards Mars now. We are now gearing up for another move. Not anytime soon but in the future when we use all of our resources and when Mars becomes warmer.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Waka Waka Waka...

As I have been for some time now I placed another call to Waka Flocka's people, they declined to answer my call because of the last conversation that we had. After the unanswered phone call I decided to read a little more about Mr. Flame upon reading Mr. Flames Wikipedia page I came across the albums section only to see that his upcoming album will be titled "Murda Man Flocka" At this moment I realized something, Waka Flocka Flame doesn't know any better. You see the only answer is that Waka is retarded. So at this moment I would like to offer mine and Adams services to you. Yes, we would like to be your managers. Trust me Waka if you want to succeed in the music business you're going to have to have someone there telling your big retarded ass not to do that. Let us know Waka the offer wont stand forever.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wriggly's Gum !!!

Through our partnership with Wriggly Gum Inc., we are offering premiums for buyers ordering 1000 plus packs. Buy Wriggly's Spearimint off of this blog! or in a store!
Contact eighter me or dustin for your gum orders over 1000 packs!
order 2000 and you get to hit Micheal Jackson in the face, or kiss him, your choice. Hes dead? SO what...do it anyway homo.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's About That Time

Yes the new year is upon us and while this is a time to look back at all the fun that we had in 2009 and all the great memories that this year has given us it's also a time to get completely obliterated. So while you go out and celebrate the new year with your friends just remember to have one for us at Just A Normal Fucking Guy and remember drinking and driving is a myth it's all in your head. Just make sure you have the great tasting Wrigley's Spearmint Gum on you to cover up the stench of alcohol on your breath. That's right only Wrigley's gum can truly cover the smell of alcohol up. Spearmint not your choice of gum? Well that's fine Wrigley's has many other great tasting flavors of gum sure to please your taste buds and keep you out of jail in the new year.
Just A Normal Fucking Guy is a non for profit website.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wakka Flakka Update

So.. through my connections i have talked to one of Wakka Flakka's representitives who said that Wakka, " Has no future plans to change his name or have a dispute with any member of this blog." When i answered with," Fuck you" he abruptly ended are conversation. So.....Maybe?


Human Giant.....Why no Season 3???

I still dont get why this show got cancelled.
some very funny material, plus great comedians.
fuck MTV.