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Get Famous.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's About That Time

Yes the new year is upon us and while this is a time to look back at all the fun that we had in 2009 and all the great memories that this year has given us it's also a time to get completely obliterated. So while you go out and celebrate the new year with your friends just remember to have one for us at Just A Normal Fucking Guy and remember drinking and driving is a myth it's all in your head. Just make sure you have the great tasting Wrigley's Spearmint Gum on you to cover up the stench of alcohol on your breath. That's right only Wrigley's gum can truly cover the smell of alcohol up. Spearmint not your choice of gum? Well that's fine Wrigley's has many other great tasting flavors of gum sure to please your taste buds and keep you out of jail in the new year.
Just A Normal Fucking Guy is a non for profit website.

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